Are you ready to try something new? Do you like ice, park or roller skating? Do you really want to hit people somedays or try to avoid being hit? If any of these sound like you click on the buttons below to join our league as a skater.
New to skating or roller derby? Join our rookies program to learn how things work. Been skating a while and looking to transfer? We have a button for that too!


Are you ready to try something new? Do you like ice, park or roller skating? Do you really want to hit people somedays or try to avoid being hit? If any of these sound like you click on the buttons below to join our league as a skater.
New to skating or roller derby? Join our rookies program to learn how things work. Been skating a while and looking to transfer? We have a button for that too!

Are you interested in Roller Derby but are not so sure about the hitting or the skates? We are always looking for volunteers to keep things rolling smoothly, and would love to have you join us and help facilitate the derby. Click the button below if you’d like to volunteer to help make our games possible!
Officials on Skate And Off
Do you Love to skate and long to be involved in derby but don’t like the idea of being hit while balancing on roller skates? Do you rock black and white stripes? Do you like rules? We think you rule!
Becoming an official you can be on or off skates! The pack is here come join us.