Doomsday Bunnies
The Doomsday Bunnies are GVRDA’s entry-level house team. Most skaters who graduate from Rookie training join the Bunnies for their first experiences at competitive roller derby play. Bunnies are skaters who are mostly new to derby, of all different shapes and sizes, and who are always game to try new things. Some recreational skaters with experience also play on the team. While their main focus is on skill development and learning the game, make no mistake they are still competitive and love to win! The Bunnies are also often the darlings of the league, with a love of the sport, boundless enthusiasm, and a dedicated fan base. They make sure that fun is at the core of everything they do.
You might join the Doomsday Bunnies to try roller derby, but you stay for just about any other reason!

Smokin’ Laces
The Smokin’ Laces are GVRDA’s competitive house team. These skaters have graduated from the Doomsday Bunnies or have transferred from other leagues with previous roller derby experience. The Laces provide a fun and competitive home for skaters with mid- to high-level derby skill and experience. They are a driven and hard-working group of skaters who enjoy pushing themselves to learn and improve while having a lot of fun on the track. This team focuses on further skating skill development, team work, and learning the game of roller derby inside and out. The Smokin’ Laces compete locally but also travel as far as Washington and Vancouver Island. No matter what, they strive for their best!
Vancouver Murder
The Vancouver Murder represent GVDRA in the Men’s Roller Derby Association (MRDA) and are the only MRDA team in BC. While the majority of the Murder identify as male, there are no gender restrictions in the MRDA, and so the team welcomes anyone interested in the style of play the MRDA offers. The Murder is home to a wide range of incredibly talented skaters, including a number of skaters from the Canadian National Teams, representing Canada in the Men’s and Women’s Derby World Cups. In 2019, the team had an undefeated regular season and placed 4th at the MRDA world championships. To ensure access to MRDA derby for all levels, the Murder also have a B team – The Unkindness.

Anarchy Angels
The Anarchy Angels are one of GVRDA’s competitive travel teams. They have represented the league in the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) since 2016. The Angels are a hard-working and fiercely competitive bunch who always have their eyes set on success. The team has traveled far and wide in their quest to climb the WFTDA ranks and this hard work has paid off with an all time highest rank of 88th worldwide (out of 450!) in 2020. This adventure has led to some of the Angels being featured in international commercials, print ads, music videos, and independent films, as well as being sponsored by Mission Springs Brewery to produce their own beer; Rink Rash Peach Radler! There is no one right way to be an Anarchy Angel, but they all share the traits that have contributed to the team’s success: respect, drive and passion.
They might seem angelic, but they’re demons on the track!